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Let’s talk about some tools and resources that you can use when creating a budget for your family

Tools and Resources

From apps designed to simplify tracking spending to communities offering support and advice, numerous resources are available to assist military families in their budgeting efforts. Here are a few standouts:

  • Budgeting Apps: Consider tools like YNAB (You Need A Budget) which offer user-friendly interfaces and real-time insights into your financial health.
  • This guide called “Creating a Military Family Budget” helps you track your expenses and write down your financial goals (Get it here)
  • Community Support: Tap into forums and networks, such as those provided by Military OneSource or local FRGs (Family Readiness Groups), or even my private Facebook group (right here), where you can share experiences and tips with peers who understand your lifestyle.
  • Financial Counseling: Many bases offer free access to financial counselors who specialize in helping military families achieve their financial goals.

Adjusting for Military Life

Adapting your budget to frequent relocations, deployment, and other military-specific situations calls for both resilience and creativity. Here are some strategies:

  • Emergency Fund: Aim to build an emergency fund that can cover 3-6 months of expenses, a crucial safety net for unforeseen challenges, like a surprise move or your car deciding it’s had enough
  • Deployment Changes: Adjust your budget for changes in income and expenses during deployments. Maybe you’re spending more on calls home or saving a bunch because there’s no time to shop.  Either way, tweaking your budget to match your new normal can keep your finances from going all over the place.
  • Education and Skill Development: Leverage free or subsidized resources for skill development that can open doors to remote work opportunities, making it easier to contribute to your family’s income no matter where you’re stationed.

Budgeting might feel like putting on a too-tight belt at first, but let me tell you, it’s actually your superpower cape, especially for military families juggling their one-of-a-kind lives. Think of it as grabbing your finances by the collar and saying, “Listen up, we’re running the show now.”  It’s about making a plan that’s real and as strategic , setting you up to not just hit those financial targets but to smash them.

Remember that your budget isn’t just about numbers—it’s a reflection of your values, dreams, and the life you’re building, one PCS move at a time.

And to those who walk this path with resilience, know that every challenge faced is a step toward growth, every plan formulated a blueprint for success. You’re not just surviving; you’re thriving, creating a bright future for you and your loved ones with each mindful decision. Together, we’re not just budgeting; we’re creating a legacy of strength, resilience, and financial savvy.

If you want to create a step by step budget for your family, check out this blog post: right here!

Make sure you join my group here. It is filled with resources and support for military spouses and moms just like you! See what it’s about, here’s the link:


I will see you on the inside!

About the Author

Myriam Imhoff is currently the CEO of Myriam Imhoff. She specializes in helping stay at home foreign and military moms navigate the gunk of American products. But also helping women who are seeking a path that will provide the time, freedom, and financial resources necessary for them to enjoy a fulfilled and happy life. For more information on healthier products, chemical free cleaning products or potential to make money visit www.myriam-imhoff.com.