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Being a military spouse means juggling lots of hats, especially when it comes to keeping your children happy and healthy amid frequent moves. One of the best ways to support their well-being is to encourage active lifestyles. Here are some practical tips to help you instill healthy habits in your military kids, no matter where your family’s journey takes you.

1. Lead by Example

Kids learn a lot by watching their parents. If you stay active, your children are more likely to follow suit. Make exercise a family event with fun activities everyone can enjoy. Whether it’s a weekend hike, a bike ride around the neighborhood, or a family dance party, showing your kids that being active is enjoyable can have a lasting impact.

2. Explore Local Activities

Every new location offers unique opportunities for physical activities. Take advantage of local parks, recreation centers, and community sports programs. Enroll your children in sports teams or classes that interest them. Exploring local activities not only keeps them physically active but also helps them make new friends and feel more connected to their new community. And if you’re thinking, well that’s all pretty on paper, but sports and activities are expensive, trust me I know, there are a lot of programs, on base or in the community that offer discounts or free programs.

3. Create a Routine

Consistency is key when establishing healthy habits. Set aside regular times for physical activity each day—a morning walk before school, an afternoon playtime in the park, or an evening family exercise session. A consistent routine helps children understand the importance of regular physical activity and makes it a natural part of their day.

4. Encourage Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is essential for children’s development and well-being. Encourage your kids to spend time outside every day. Whether it’s playing tag, climbing trees, or building sandcastles, outdoor activities stimulate creativity, improve mood, and promote physical fitness. Make outdoor play a priority, even if it’s just in your backyard or a local playground. 

5. Limit Screen Time

In today’s digital age, it’s easy for children to spend hours in front of screens. Set clear limits on screen time to ensure they have plenty of time for physical activities. Encourage alternative activities like reading, puzzles, or crafts that can be done indoors when the weather isn’t suitable for outdoor play. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a mom too and life (or chaos) happens. I do every now and then have a full day of screen time because (let’s be honest here) sanity! But just try to be conscious of it.

6. Make It Fun

Physical activity should be fun, not a chore. Find activities that your children enjoy and look forward to. This might mean trying out different sports or hobbies until you find the perfect fit. Celebrate their achievements and progress, no matter how small, to keep them motivated and enthusiastic about staying active.

Encouraging active lifestyles in military kids is crucial for their physical health and emotional well-being. Remember, every new location offers opportunities to make physical activity a joyful and integral part of your family’s daily life. 

Make sure you join my group here. It is filled with resources and support for military spouses and moms just like you! See what it’s about, here’s the link:


I will see you on the inside!

About the Author

Myriam Imhoff is currently the CEO of Myriam Imhoff. She specializes in helping stay at home foreign and military moms navigate the gunk of American products. But also helping women who are seeking a path that will provide the time, freedom, and financial resources necessary for them to enjoy a fulfilled and happy life. For more information on healthier products, chemical free cleaning products or potential to make money visit www.myriam-imhoff.com.