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Let’s explore one of the most crucial aspects of thriving as a military spouse—building and maintaining a robust support network. Military life is full of twists and turns, and having a strong community around you can make all the difference.

From joining local spouse clubs and online communities to participating in base events, countless opportunities exist to connect with fellow military spouses and create lasting friendships.

Join Local Spouse Clubs

Local spouse clubs are a fantastic way to meet others who understand the unique challenges of military life. These clubs often organize social events, volunteer opportunities, and support groups. Here’s how to get started:

  • Attend Meetings: Find out when the next meeting is and attend. Even if you’re feeling shy, remember that everyone there was once in your shoes.
  • Volunteer: Offering to help with events or projects can be a great way to get involved and meet people quickly.
  • Stay Consistent: Regular attendance will help you form deeper connections over time.

Engage in Online Communities

The digital age has made it easier than ever to connect with others, no matter where you are. Online communities provide a space for support, advice, and camaraderie. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  • Join Relevant Groups: Look for Facebook groups or forums specifically for military spouses. Groups like “Military Spouse Support Network” or “Military Spouse Newbies” can be great places to start. Or of course this one: “Military Spouses Beyond Borders: Navigating Cultures as a Foreign Mom
  • Participate Actively: Share your experiences, ask questions, and support others in the group. Active participation can help you feel more connected.
  • Respect and Positivity: Foster a positive environment by being respectful and supportive in your interactions.

Participate in Base Events

Base events are fantastic opportunities to get to know your local military community. Whether it’s a family day, a workshop, or a holiday celebration, these events can help you feel more integrated:

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the base’s event calendar and make a note of activities that interest you.
  • Bring a Friend: If you’re nervous about attending alone, invite another spouse or family member.
  • Be Open: Approach these events with an open mind and a willingness to engage with others.

Create Lasting Friendships

Building lasting friendships takes time and effort, but the rewards are immeasurable. Here are some strategies to help foster strong relationships:

  • Be Genuine: Authenticity goes a long way in forming meaningful connections. Be yourself and show genuine interest in others. And remember that if people don’t like you when you are genuine, they are not your people.
  • Reach Out: Don’t be afraid to make the first move. Invite someone for coffee or a walk around the base.
  • Stay in Touch: Regular communication helps maintain friendships. Send a text, make a call, or plan regular get-togethers.

Building a Community Together

Creating a supportive community is not just about benefiting ourselves but also uplifting others. Share your experiences, offer help when you can, and celebrate each other’s successes. Together, we can create a network that supports and encourages everyone through the ups and downs of military life.

Make sure you join my group here. It is filled with resources and support for military spouses and moms just like you! See what it’s about, here’s the link:


I will see you on the inside!

About the Author

Myriam Imhoff is currently the CEO of Myriam Imhoff. She specializes in helping stay at home foreign and military moms navigate the gunk of American products. But also helping women who are seeking a path that will provide the time, freedom, and financial resources necessary for them to enjoy a fulfilled and happy life. For more information on healthier products, chemical free cleaning products or potential to make money visit www.myriam-imhoff.com.