Oils et Moi

Welcome to this class!

Hey there! I am so glad you are here and wanting to know more about a healthy lifestyle! I know that life gets busy between your family, your job, and of course all the stress from 2020. But you want to take care of everyone’s health in the middle of all of this and this is why you are here. Well, good news! There are simple, convenient, safe and effective alternatives that have transformed my home and wellness and I am here to show you all of it! I know what you are thinking…”I don’t want to learn something new, I have no idea how to use it”… Good news yet again, when you join the Oils et Moi community, we are all here to help you out and show you the way! You will fit right in, learn and get the answers that you need! 😉 Get comfy and welcome to this class!

The average woman applies 300 chemicals to her body a day-80 before breakfast.

The ditch and switch process

What is ditch and switch!? Ditch and switch is the process of replacing products that contain harsh chemicals by products that are a safer alternative! 😊

One easy way to do that is with essential oils but also with essential oils infused products.

Here is a small video of what Young Living products can do!

If you haven’t heard of essential oils you’re probably wondering what in the world ARE THEY? You’ve probably heard your friends talk about them so let’s break it down.
•They are the most powerful part of the plant
(More powerful than herbs)
• They are distilled from trees, shrubs, bushes & herbs
-flowers, fruit, rinds, resins, roots & herbs
•Oils consist of over 100 different natural, organic compounds
There are at least 300 oils on earth; to build a good home oils kit- you only need about 10-20 of them!

There are 3 ways to utilize Young Living essential oils.

🌱 AROMATICALLY— diffuse using a Young Living ultrasonic diffuser OR inhale directly from the bottle

🌱 INTERNALLY— place oils in a veritable capsule, full with a carrier oils and take like a supplement, add oils to food or drinks, OR place directly in your mouth

🌱 TOPICALLY— apply directly to your skin OR use a carrier oils

FACT: Young Living is the only oil company that has GRAS {generally regulated as safe} oils! They have to go through rigorous testing to be deemed safe for internal! Look up “ GRAS Certification” it’s pretty cool to see all the testing they have to go through 🌿

Safety is important when it comes to using essential oils. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the information available, but using common sense and starting gradually will help ease any sort of intimidation you might feel as you begin using essential oils in your everyday life on yourself and your family. Due to the fact that Young Living’s purity and grade of oils is so high, they should be used with knowledge and respect. It is important that we protect our kiddos!! But even the oils can be dangerous if not used properly.
If you are diffusing around children or applying oils topically you need to understand and research what oils are safe to be used around kids and what dilution ratios you need to use. There are a lot of great references out there that can help you with this.
Generally, once a child hits 10 years old they are able to process any oil an adult can. Prior to 10 there are oils that need to be used with caution, and dilution will be your best friend!

What is Seed to Seal?

The vast majority of essential oils on the market today are only suitable for cosmetics and perfumes. The reason Young Living’s oils are so different is their unmatched commitment to producing a pure, unadulterated oil. Young Living’s devotion to creating a highly therapeutic product means they’ve invested in their own farms, care for and nurture their own plants, trees, and shrubs, and finally distill, test, and bottle the oils that arrive on your doorstep.
Anyone can go visit a YL farm! Yup that’s right, anyone can walk into the YL farms and see the Seed to Seal process with their own two eyes.
If at any point in that production process something doesn’t meet their standards, they get rid of it and start again. Because of this, our favorite oils sometimes go out of stock… and we are happy about it! Because we love getting our oils from a company that doesn’t crank them out quickly in a lab to make a buck, but waits on the plants to grow (no synthetics) and until the batch is perfect. They accept nothing less.
No other company owns farms or distilleries. Repeat. NONE.
This is called Young Living’s Seed to Seal® process. And it is unmatched. Every step from planting to bottling is detailed and controlled!!!
Check out this website for more information on the Seed to Seal guarantee:

I know what you are thinking!

“But Young Living is more expensive, right?” You’re right, often times it is and “you get what you pay for” has never been more true. Young Living is more expensive than other brands and oils you can find at Whole Foods or on amazon.com because of its therapeutic grade. An ever-growing number of marketers have jumped on the essential oils bandwagon looking for an easy way to make a lot of money. Most of these oils are cheap imitations, purchased wholesale in large quantities, diluted with synthetic additives, and rebottled before being sold to you.
That’s not okay for us. We want the best for our families and we don’t want to “save money” short-term only to spend more long-term because we used something that didn’t do what it was supposed to or even harmed us.
Some of the other companies may claim that their oils are organic. Unfortunately, the term “organic” is not regulated by the FDA in regards to essential oils. They do not certify or grade essential oils so any oil you see making those claims is simply using the word. They did not have to do anything to earn it.
If you cannot walk onto your oil company’s farms and watch them distill their oils at their very own distilleries, then don’t use it. There’s a reason Young Living has been the world leader in essential oils for 22 years!
We run 15-20 tests on each oil.
And we have outside labs who test for us again. They are the same labs that the FBI and Scotland Yards use. Boom.
We are the only company who has our own Isotope Ratio Mass Specrometey (IRMS) machine. Actually, we have two. Scientists are trained for TWO YEARS to use it.
We measure the amount of carbon isotope ratios in the oils to make sure it matches the CIR in the atmosphere…because our plants get their oils from the atmosphere. So it needs to be the same. Duh. Synthetic oils don’t match the atmosphere. And guess what? We don’t have any of those. So next time someone says Seed to Seal is just a name, think again. 🙌🏻

Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit is hands down the best place to start your oil journey !

It’s where I started.

It’s the best bang for your buck. If you were to buy all of the oils, the diffuser, and the products that come in this kit individually it would cost over $400. This is the only thing on the entire YL website that is half off. And now you get free shipping when you get your kit!!!

Young Living has picked the most popular essential oils to include in the kit.

12 essential oils, a diffuser of your choice, a package of thieves cleaner, two packets of the beloved Ningxia Red superfruit drink for whole body support, thieves hand purifier, literature and so much more!

On top of all that, when you grab your kit as a wholesale member, you also get 24% off your future orders — for life! And there is no obligation to buy anything or sell anything, ever. It’s the HOOKUP!

Let me repeat that part— No. you don’t have to sell anything. No. you don’t have to order monthly or any weirdness. Someone always asks 😉😉

Okay but why in the world would I want to use oils!?

I am glad you asked! The answer is simple:

Because you need them in your home as part of a simple, chemical-free lifestyle.

*warning: this is lengthy but worth the read!!

When you see what the oils do for your own body and how they help create a chemical free home, it’s impossible to walk into the homes of your friends and family members and see their bright blue dish soap or their chemical-laden shampoo (that gets into their bloodstream in 26 seconds) and not speak about what you know!

Let me get real with you for a moment as I wrap up!! 

Why does chemical free living matter so much to me? Because I have seen the other end of a chemical filled lifestyle, and what it has done to friends and family. And I want everyone to know what they are putting in and on their bodies!

The number 2 cause of death in the US is cancer. 1,620 people a day die of cancer. 1 in 3 cases in the US are directly linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, weight, or chemical exposure. The American Cancer Society says only 5-10% of all cancer cases are from gene defects. 5%. That means 95% of cancer cases are under our control. Its what we allow into our homes!

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health studied 2,983 ingredients in our products at home-and found 884 toxic ingredients. 314 of them caused biological mutations. 218 caused reproductive problems. 778 were toxic to the human body. 146 they knew caused cancer tumors – but were allowed in the US, even though they were banned in other countries around the world. Many of these chemicals are allowed in common cleaning supplies in the US – things under your cabinets right now.

26 seconds after exposure, chemicals are found in measurable amounts in the human body. The average woman applies 300 chemicals to her body a day-80 before breakfast. The top 10 most dangerous chemicals in our home: air fresheners, like plug-ins or candles. Second on the list-chemical cleaning supplies, drain and oven cleaners and furniture polish, as well as dishwasher soap and dish soap. Beauty supplies and personal care products-hairspray, gel, shampoo, and deodorant are laden with chemicals. Most deodorant has aluminum in it, and we slather it on our lymph nodes for 70 years. Many scientists believe aluminum exposure my be linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. One of the top pollutants in the family home is laundry soap and fabric softener-you wash your clothes, it sits on your skin, it outgases in your closet all night long. (That information is straight from the government, from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Top 10 Killer Household Chemicals Study)

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Dr. Samuel Epstein, chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, says, “it is unthinkable that women would knowingly inflict such exposures on their infants and children and themselves if products were routinely labeled with explicit warnings of cancer risks. But they are not labeled.”

Since the 1940’s, prostate cancer is up 200%. Thyroid cancer – 155%. Brain cancer – 70%. And the American Cancer Society estimates a 50% rise in cancer rates this year. It is no wonder that the quality of the air inside your home is 5-7 times more toxic than outdoor air quality.

What happens when your body is chemically overloaded?

You may see it in something as catastrophic as cancer. But most of us feel it in other ways: lethargy. Inability to focus. Sleep trouble. Chronic inflammation. Unexplained pain. Skin issues-adult acne. Hot flashes. Stress and fear. If you face any of these issues, it’s time to kick chemicals to the curb. You can control what you allow within the walls of your home.

I share this because I love and care for my friends and family – if you are here, you care about yours too! I want to see everyone live a healthy life. When you take care of yourself, you can fully do what God created you to do, what you were called to do.

Frugal mama alert!

Before you read this, just know this is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL, but I am a frugal mama and love to save money and this is just too good not to scream from the mountain tops.

Let’s chat about the Essential Rewards program. You get to pick the oils and products that come to your door every single month, you switch them out-and you get paid 10% back for everything you order in new oils. That’s 10% back on your laundry soap and dish soap and Thieves cleaner – which is all I use to clean my house!

It’s one of the best choices I ever made. If you’d like to add that to your order, I recommend the Thieves Essential Rewards kit-because is one swoop, it contains jus about all you need to get rid of nearly every chemical cleaner in your home. It’s simple and easy. And if you’re taking chemical free living head on, it’s the best place to start.

+ easy monthly shipments
+ discounted shipping
+ exclusive bonuses
+ essential rewards points – earn free product credits!

No cost to sign up! Adjust your order each month! It really is the best way to go to get the most for your money. It is optional, and you can sign up later down the road. As your months with Essential Rewards increase, so do your rewards!

I decided to do it right away to start getting points back on products I started switching over. Our monthly Ningxia order and as I slowly switch over our household products (house cleaning products, soaps, etc) – this allows me to get them with a better deal, earn points back and get more products (for free!!)

I didn’t even have to add anything to my budget, I quit shopping at Target and the Dollar Star and started to utilize my Young Living account and I currently earn 20% back on all my purchases 😉

If you are anything like I was, you might be thinking “This all sounds fabulous, I really want in on this oily life, butttt it is also a lot of information, how the heck will I know how to use them?!”

Fear not friends, we have you covered! When getting started with your wellness journey in Young Living, it is so so so important to have education, resources and support. When you grab your PSK through my team you get all those things and more! I am here to make it simple for you, an easy transition, so you can start living your best life! I mean it doesn’t get much better than that!

We have the best education groups, literally thousands of people sharing their oil successes, questions, and information. Dilution guides, FAQs, recipes – it’s all in there! Lots of printed resources for you, you’ll know where to go if you have a question. You’ll always have someone to ask questions to, and we will show you where to find the answers. If we don’t know, we will learn together! Having a community of like minded people in your corner is priceless.

I am SO excited for you to start this journey! You are going to just love living the Young Living lifestyle! And on top of that, you will make life long friends and meet AMAZING people! 💕


The possibilities are endless!

Young Living has given every single one of us the opportunity to share our love for their products and oils and earn a thank you check for it.
It’s never a requirement, and nobody will ever hound you to do it. We only want you to use and love your oils. BUT, the opportunity is there if you ever want it, and it’s quite frankly the best thing ever if I do say so myself. You’ll learn it’s hard to keep your results to yourself anyway 😂😍
You can literally buy your starter kit and earn your money back the exact same day by selling 3 kits if you want.
Pretty cool, huh? Sooo check out these life changing numbers! 👇🏼
But what is amazing is that these don’t dictate what you make. My friends on my team, along with myself, are living proof of that! The only person who does is YOU! You can make however much you want to make! And that my friends is financial freedom! 🙌🏼

Top 10 reasons to choose Young Living

1. They own their own farms 🍃
2. Anyone can visit their farms and participate in the harvest and distillation processes 🌾
3. They only sell us oils that are QUALITY and pass all of their rigorous testing 💫
4. All pest control at the farms is down 🐝with…..ESSENTIAL OILS! 😱🙌🏼
5. All weeds are picked by hand 🌱
6. YL has 25+ years in experience and research 👩🏼‍🔬
7. YL has the biggest selection of oils to choose from 🌿
8. YL is a one stop shop—clean, toxic-free makeup, hair care products, beauty products, supplements, literally all the things and all oil infused 💄
9. They are a family based company who welcomes anyone and everyone with open arms ❤️
10. They have one goal…get oils into every home in the world. 👏🏼
Thank you so much for joining me today! I appreciate that you take some precious time out of your day to learn more about this subject! I hope you learned something and can see how beneficial oils can be in our lives – and how amazing they are!
This is something you NEED to take seriously. No one is watching your home but you. You are the gatekeeper. And I’d be willing to bet my life that there are things in your home right now that you’re exposed to every single day-that could be killing you. And the thing is, it’s totally preventable.
Start small. Start slow. Start with what you are convicted on. Let me give you a simple tip, the starter kit replaces so many toxic chemicals in your home— it’s the best way to get started!
Ever since I have started this journey myself, I have never looked back! We use oils every single day in our home. Every oil you use in a chemical you’re not using!
You matter. Your family matters. Your friends matter. And you can take control of your own health. Kick the chemicals out of your life and start living clean.
Let me know if you have any additional questions! You can always shoot me a message at any time! ✨

How do I start!?

  1. Click this link: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/20214086
  2. Scroll down (or click the “get started button) and pick the starter kit of your choice!
  3. It will ask you about Essential Rewards, (you should click yes!)
  4. Customize your Essential Rewards box  and click the confirm checkbox
  5. fill out your membership info and sign-in info (make sure you remember your username/password/pin – this will be used to login to your virtual office)
    –> It will have my member number in the enroller + sponsor spots! (20214086)
  6. Click agree and continue
  7. Finalize your order, shipping + payment
Shoot me a message here so I can get you plugged into our team pages and your welcome package sent out 🙌🏽🎉
*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, and cannot treat, cure or diagnose you. This information is for educational purposes only. Always consult a doctor first. More than likely your doctor will not be trained in essential oils and will not know all the facts about them, so do your own research first. We are our own advocates.
I am simply here to share some of the wonderful and amazing ways Young Living Essential Oils have helped my family to be healthier and happier!