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Welcome to the whirlwind world of military relocation! Relocating to a new military base can be an exciting yet daunting experience, especially for military families who are no strangers to change. It’s daunting, disorienting, and downright part of the lifestyle you signed up for. But, hey – new beginnings can be thrilling too! In order to transition smoothly and make the most of your new assignment, there are several crucial steps and strategies to consider within the first 3 months of your arrival. Let’s dive into the top must-do’s when you move to a new military base.

1. Navigate Your Healthcare Shuffle

The military health system operates like a maze – you need to know your way around. Within your first week, you’ve got to call Tricare and find out who your new Primary Care Manager (PCM) is. Pro tip: having a pediatrician in your contacts is golden if you’ve got little ones.

Military dental insurance—typically United Concordia—is equally vital. Find a local dentist with a positive reputation among military families and who is within network of your Tricare dental benefits. You don’t want to wait until you have a dental emergency to find this out. Taking care of your teeth isn’t just about your health—it’s crucial for military readiness. The last thing you need is dental stress in your new environment.

2. Address Change: The Ultimate List

Changing your address is not just about getting mail. It’s a pivotal task that affects your financial and administrative life. It’s surprisingly easy for one of those adjustments to slip through the cracks, only to cause an inconvenience later. Here’s an extensive list of areas where your change of address should be updated:

  • Personal mail (family and friends)
  • Utility bills (water, electricity, gas)
  • Credit card companies 
  • Banking institutions (here is the one I use, you can move with it anywhere!)
  • Auto and property insurance
  • Investment and retirement funds
  • Vehicle registration and driver’s license
  • Voter registration (except if you decide to keep your residency in another state)
  • Online retail accounts and shipping—avoid misplaced packages! (make sure you still get these Amazon packages)
  • Doctor’s offices and pharmacies
  • Memberships and subscriptions (gym, clubs, charities)

3. Navigating The World of Education: Enrolling the Mini-Members

If you have school-aged children, making sure the transition into a new education system goes smoothly is super important! We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone involved. Register them for school on base or in the local community.

If you need childcare, research and secure a spot for your child at a reputable center, at the CDC (your most likely cheapest option), or with a Family Child Care (FCC) provider. Trust me, you don’t want to leave this to the last minute. Chat with other parents, get recommendations, and hear their insights. You know how word-of-mouth can be the best guide sometimes, right?

If you want a guide with additional must do’s when you get to a new base, check out this blog: here.

And here is a little bit more of my story in this video: here

Make sure you join my group here. It is filled with resources and support for military spouses and mom just like you! See what it’s about, here’s the link:


I will see you on the inside!

About the Author

Myriam Imhoff is currently the CEO of Myriam Imhoff. She specializes in helping stay at home foreign and military moms navigate the gunk of American products. But also helping women who are seeking a path that will provide the time, freedom, and financial resources necessary for them to enjoy a fulfilled and happy life. For more information on healthier products, chemical free cleaning products or potential to make money visit www.myriam-imhoff.com.