Unleash Your Superpower: Confidence for Military Spouses and Moms

Are you a military spouse or mom seeking that extra confidence boost? You’ve come to the right place! Our Ebook, “The Ultimate Confidence Booster for Military Spouses and Moms” is more than just a guide – it’s a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth.

Why Choose Our Ebook?

We’ve designed this Ebook considering the unique challenges you face as a military spouse and mom. Drawing on personal experiences, it provides practical tips, powerful affirmations, and inspiring stories to help you thrive confidently in your role.

What's Inside?

This Ebook covers a range of topics, from understanding and cultivating confidence to effective communication, dressing the part, and building a supportive community. Each chapter is filled with actionable strategies to boost your self-assurance and conquer any obstacles that come your way.

Ready to Unleash Your Potential?

Your journey towards boosting your confidence starts here. Join our community of resilient military spouses and moms and start transforming your life today. Dive into each chapter, complete the 30-day challenge, and celebrate every victory along the way.

Let's Embark on This Empowering Path Together!

Unlock your true potential. Embrace the power of confidence. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey – our community is here to support you every step of the way. So, are you ready to unleash your superpower? Start reading our Ebook today!

Meet Me

Hey there, I’m Myriam!

Mom of 2 adorable children, ex teacher, and military wife.

I’m also French! I moved to the U.S in 2011. I had to learn a whole different language and started to live a whole new life. Which is why I am not new to learning new things and that’s how I know if I can do it, you can do it too!

My military life started in my last year of college, where I met my husband as an exchange student. Little did I know what life had in store for me…

Our first station was Eielson, AFB in Alaska. Yes you read that right, Alaska! I followed my heart, like we all do, and decided to join the adventure. I started my master’s degree in Education while there, and got my first job in teaching.

We then moved to Travis, AFB in California (yay, sunshine!), where now that I had my master’s degree, I thought “getting a job, easy peasy”, it wasn’t. We were only staying there a year and a half and by the time I had a certificate to teach in CA, adjusted to the new base, new environment and everything, it was time to leave. Well that was frustrating.

We then moved to Tyndall, AFB in Florida (yay, sunshine again! Do you see a pattern here in what weather I like!? 😜). We PCSed (military move) while I was barely pregnant so I decided that when we were in Florida, I wouldn’t work. But I wanted to be able to support our growing family too and be able to watch my future baby’s milestones at the same time. It just seemed impossible, because you know, new place again, having to transfer my certificate yet AGAIN, go through the interview process once more… By the time I adjusted to this new place, I got a teaching job after my baby turned 10 months old. But now I was missing all of the play dates from the moms’ group I was in, all of the opportunities to make new friends AND most importantly, my baby’s milestones. So I decided to look for something I could truly do from home and anywhere really…Because we all know the cycle will begin again really soon…